Upcoming Scholarship Application Period:  

January 1 -  March 3, 2025



West Valley Dollars for Scholars awards more than 50 scholarships to WVHS seniors every year! By completing the application you become eligible to receive one of these scholarships.  West Valley DFS scholarships are a minimum of $1000 or more depending on the source/donor of the specific scholarship.  

By creating a Student Profile, you'll see all of West Valley Dollars for Scholars awards that you qualify for - and you can apply for them by answering just a few additional questions in the "My Scholarships" section of the application.  Additionally, Scholarship America, our parent organization, has a scholarship database with nationwide scholarships you can apply for as well. Any time your profile matches the criteria for a scholarship, no matter who's giving it out or where it's from, you'll be able to apply after using your completed student profile.  This gives you increased opportunity to apply for nationally offered scholarships plus our local scholarships! 

As a student, you'll have free access to a wealth of financial aid and college success tools and resources through your Student Profile and the Student Dashboard.  You can even export a resume based on your high school accomplishments.  So you'll want to complete your profile and check back often to learn of new scholarships available through Scholarship America on a national level.  This secure web portal will allow you to complete your student profile/application on-line and apply for local, and some national scholarships, in one on-line application. Through this portal, Scholarship America notifies students of available scholarships that fit their profile.  We encourage you to login now to begin your DFS scholarship application.  It must be completed within the timeframe shown above.

West Valley DFS Application Requirements & Helps:

  • Applicant must be a West Valley High School senior "on track" to receive a diploma from WVHS.  
  • Recipients may attend an accredited public or private two-year/four-year college or a vocational school anywhere in the United States.
  • Scholarships are paid directly to the school, not the student.  
  • Awards must be used within two years of high school graduation.
  • The selection process is objective and non-discriminatory.  Applications are scored electronically except the essay portions which are independently scored by two selected community members.  All student information remains private during this process.
  • Applicants receive points for each section of the application and these points are totaled for a final score, based on the information submitted.  It is in the student's best interest to fill out the application completely as incomplete applications may not be considered.
  • The application requires one recommendation letter/appraisal, school transcripts, FAFSA information, two essays of 300 words or less, as well as listing work, school and community activities. 
  • Please select a person for your recommendation letter/appraisal as soon as possible to give them ample opportunity to respond.
  • If possible students should use a personal email that they will be able to access after HS graduation, not the school issued email.  
  • IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES WITH THE APPLICATION -  make sure you are using CHROME as your browser.  This application doesn't work well with Safari.
  • Application opens at 12:01 AM January 1, 2025 and closes at 11:59 PM on March 1, 2025, Pacific Standard Time.
  • WVDFS board members (westvalleydollarsforscholars@gmail.com), as well as WVHS counselors, are available to answer questions. See also the "helpful hints" video posted to the right. **this video was created in 2022, please substitute any dates for the CURRENT year dates**

Click below to log into the ChapterNet Student Dashboard, create your student profile and begin your DFS application!