West Valley Dollars for Scholars scholarships are solely supported through fundraisers and general donations.  Each year the actual number of West Valley Dollars for Scholars scholarships that are awarded depends on the success and participation in the Annual Golf Tournament, our additional fundraising efforts and purchase of Legacy Bricks.

Named scholarships are those that other organizations, families, businesses or individuals contribute specifically to West Valley Dollars for Scholars.  Their selections also use the West Valley Dollars for Scholars guidelines.


Besides the General Fund scholarships awarded by West Valley Dollars for Scholars,
the following named scholarships are available, with several new awards that were added in 2024
(named scholarships are subject to change without notice,)

Sarah Kathryn Grow Memorial Scholarships

West Valley Kiwanis Key Club Scholarship

West Valley Dollars for Scholars Community Scholarships

Cottonwood Elementary PTSA Scholarship

Mitch Perala Memorial Scholarship

Mountainview Elementary PTSA/WVDFS Scholarship

Wyckoff Family Scholarship

Apple Valley Elementary PTO Scholarship

Ahtanum Valley Elementary PTSA/WVDFS Scholarship

Roger Stansbury Memorial Music Scholarship

David F Arend Memorial Music Scholarship

West Valley School District Employees Scholarships

Avis and Leon Burrill Memorial Scholarships

Clasen Family Memorial Scholarship

Outback Espresso Coffee Shop (Grimes Family) Scholarship

Byron and Leone Borton Scholarships

West Valley Firefighters Association Scholarship

Gavin Gill Memorial Scholarship

West Valley JROTC Parent Association Scholarships

Dominos Pizza Community Scholarships

Capital Advisors Wealth Management Future Business Leaders of the Valley

Sherry Martin Memorial Scholarship

Benjamin R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Leonard Rickey Founders' Scholarship

Donna Cox Memorial Scholarship

2023 Senior Parents Scholarship